Category: Uganda

Ajok Daing

Ajok Daing Biography Here is a comprehensive list of Ajok Daing’s biography in bulleted form: • Ajok Daing is a popular South Sudanese model, actress, and social media influencer. • She was born in South Sudan and later moved to Uganda, where she began her modeling career. • Daing gained widespread recognition after participating in …

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Aamito Stacie Lagum

Aamito Stacie Lagum Aamito Stacie Lagum, also known as Aamito Lagum, is a talented model from Uganda. Her captivating beauty and charming personality have captured the hearts of many. Here are the key points about her life: • Age: 31 years young • Born: Thursday, 3rd of December 1992 • Birthplace: Kampala, Uganda • Ethnicity: …

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